A Review of Guitar Note Mastery
Guitar Note Mastery is another of those courses that isn't absolutely necessary to learning the guitar but will improve your soloing and improvisation skills and your knowledge of the guitar notes on the fretboard.It's written by the same person who did Guitar Scale Mastery. In the that course he recommends that you learn the notes on all the strings on all of the neck of the guitar. He also recommends you do this by using his course Guitar Note Mastery, but he would do wouldn't he.
Guitar Note Mastery is priced so low that I decided to give it a go and it's well worth it.
What I would recommend if you do use both courses is to dive right into learning the guitar scales and the notes at the same time. If you decide to learn just the notes before you start any scales, you might get bored
Having said that, Guitar Note Mastery is very good and exceptional value. It isn't one of those courses that just shows you the names of the notes on each of the strings at each of the frets on the guitar neck and tells you to go away and memorise them. It does actually show you how to memorise them with useful exercises.
When I first started playing guitar, I only managed to learn the notes on the 1st high e-string, 5th, and 6th low e-string. The 5th and 6th strings because they're the root notes of the power chords and bar chords, the 1st string because it's the same as the 6th string. I just never found any way of memorising the notes on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th strings.
So how important is it to learn the notes and scales on all strings and all the way up the guitar fretboard. Think who your favourite guitarists are. Do you think they know a few scales in different positions. Do you think they could name a few notes on the guitar including the sharps and flats.
Regardless of your playing style, or that of your favourite guitarists, your playing will improve if you can learn these notes and scales on your guitar.
Guitar Note Mastery
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